DDW & Fontys ICT InnovationLab

Fontys Information and Communication Technology

What if in the future buildings are truly intelligent and interactive?

Students designed and developed an interactive installation that explores the interaction between people and their learning environment (the InnovationLab).

Gebouw van de toekomst

Together with teachers Bram Tuns, Pieter Wels and Sandra Verhoeven and professor Mark de Graaf, they explore what experiencing a building and interacting with a space might look like. An exploration of art, tech, data and personalization to imagine the empathetic building of the future. Studio Krom (concept and development) and Hyperculture (co-creation visual aspects) turn their concepts into reality. And you could experience that for yourself during DDW from October 22 to 30, 2022. Moreover, the whole of Strijp T was transformed into a vibrant DDW location with Tech Talks, interactive installations, healthcare innovations, etc., among other things.  The installation was officially opened on Friday, Oct. 21, following ICT In Practice.

Brabant Business also paid attention to the activities at the Fontys ICT InnovationLab and the exhibition during DDW. Read the entire article here (only available in Dutch).