Grand closing pilot new style minor ERP&BI

Fontys Information and Communication Technology

Grand closing pilot new style minor ERP&BI

On Thursday 26 January the closing event of the minor ERP&BI took place. The great accomplishments of the past semester were celebrated together with students, teachers and businesses.

A total of 4 groups held a presentation, each of which were teamed up with a different company: Cognizant,, D-Centralie and QHN. Each group worked on a pilot for the new style minor ERP&BI, called "Data Driven Business." "It is a new type of education, which resembles that of Open Innovation and it is question-driven," says teacher Dries van den Enden. Students work on a real-world case, in which a company is being supported through coaching on the personal level and if needed through workshops or knowledge sessions.

“The final result has surpassed my expectations and has strengthened my belief that students can achieve anything as long as they are being facilitated and given the right supervision (both coaching as well as substantive guidance). The businesses that participated also had a positive experience in working with students,” says Dries enthusiastically. And the students? They have certainly gotten familiar with the subject matter of the original minor (ERP&BI) and in certain ways they even exceeded the requirements. Proud! The design of the new minor thus was well received by all parties. Dries explains: “We will likely continue this new style as of September 2017. Either as a new minor, or as a replacement for the current Minor.”

Tags: Education