Opening minor Applied Data Science

Fontys Information and Communication Technology

Opening minor Applied Data Science

On Friday 2 September 2016, the opening of the minor Applied Data Science took place. Five companies presented their Big Data-challenge to the students with the following subjects: occupancy of Intensive Care beds (EyeOn), analysing photos of stolen cars (8Vance), safer deployment of firefighting services (Respond), behaviour of festival goers (Beech IT) and analysing of start-up websites (CBS). The students will also be involved in the Quantified Student Study that is being carried out within Fontys ICT.

The world of Data Science is still developing. Because of that, it was not just educational for the students, but also for the companies themselves as well as the knowledge circle Big Data because they could see what everyone is struggling with and which approach they choose to solve these challenges. This led to interesting discussions during the subsequent networking lunch.

The programme of the day was as follows:

9:00 – Opening and introduction to the minor and professional task (Olaf Janssen)
9:30 – EyeOn / Elisabeth-TweeSteden Hospital (Michiel Jansen)
9:55 – 8Vance (Paul Keuren)
10:20 – Coffee break
10:40 – Respond / Dutch Fire Departments (Pieter Vermeer)
11:05 – Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (Piet Daas)
11:30 – BeechIT (Olaf Janssen on behalf of Bram Verhaegh)
11:40 – Fontys Quantified Student (Olaf Janssen on behalf of Gerard Schouten)
11:50 – Lunch and opportunity to talk to the companies.

In short: it was a very educational and interesting opening of the minor Applied Data Science!


Tags: Education